[modules] ========= Section [modules] contains list of modules to load. .. admonition:: Note: There exist order which define modules priority e.g. If **ippool** module will defined before **radius**, then ip-addresses always will assigned from **[ip-pool]**, and Framed-IP-Adresse recived from radius server will be ignored. * **log_file** - logging target which logs messages to files. It support per-session/per-user features. * **log_syslog** - logging target which logs messages to syslog. * **log_tcp** - logging target which logs messages over TCP/IP. * **log_pgsql** - logging target which logs messages to PostgreSQL. * **pptp** - PPTP controlling connection handling module. * **pppoe** - PPPoE discovery stage handling module. * **ipoe** - DHCP and unclassified packet connection handling module. * **l2tp** - L2TP controlling connection handling module. * **sstp** - SSTP controlling connection handling module. * **auth_pap** - PAP authentication module. * **auth_chap_md5** - CHAP (md5) authentication module. * **auth_mschap_v1** -Microsoft CHAP (version 1) authentication module. * **auth_mschap_v2** - Microsoft CHAP (version 2) authentication module. * **radius** - RADIUS interaction module. * **chap-secrets** - module authentication from file. * **shaper** - this module controls shaper. * **ippool** - IPv4 address assigning module. * **ipv6_nd** - IPv6 Neighbor Discovery module. * **ipv6_dhcp** - IPv6 DHCP module. * **ipv6pool** - IPv6 address assigning module. * **sigchld** - Helper module to manage child processes, required by pppd_compat. * **pppd_compat** - this module starts pppd compatible ip-up/ip-down scripts and ip-change to handle RADIUS CoA request. * **connlimit** - this module limits connection rate from single source. .. admonition:: Note: Can’t change with reload, for apply changes need daemon restart with drop active sessions.