Control features

Accel-ppp support next features for control daemon and sessions:

  • accel-cmd

  • telnet

  • snmp


Common available commands for accel-cmd and telnet. Also possible show this help message with one of commands accel-cmd help and telnet  2000 then run help.

show stat - shows various statistics information
terminate if <interface> [soft|hard]- terminate session by interface name
        [match] username <username> [soft|hard]- terminate session by username
        ip <address> [soft|hard]- terminate session by ip address
        csid <id> [soft|hard]- terminate session by calling station id
        sid <id> [soft|hard]- terminate session by session id
        all [soft|hard]- terminate all sessions
reload - reload config file
restart [hard] - restart daemon
                hard - restart immediatly
                default action - terminate all connections then restart
shutdown [soft|hard|cancel]- shutdown daemon
                default action - send termination signals to all clients and wait everybody disconnects
                soft - wait until all clients disconnects, don't accept new connections
                hard - shutdown now, don't wait anything
                cancel - cancel 'shutdown soft' and return to normal operation
exit - exit cli
show sessions [columns] [order <column>] [match <column> <regexp>] - shows sessions
                netns - network namespace name
                ifname - interface name
                username - user name
                ip - IP address
                ip6 - IPv6 address
                ip6-dp - IPv6 delegated prefix
                type - VPN type
                state - state of session
                uptime - uptime (human readable)
                uptime-raw - uptime (in seconds)
                calling-sid - calling station id
                called-sid - called station id
                sid - session id
                comp - compression/encryption method
                rx-bytes - received bytes (human readable)
                tx-bytes - transmitted bytes (human readable)
                rx-bytes-raw - received bytes
                tx-bytes-raw - transmitted bytes
                rx-pkts - received packets
                tx-pkts - transmitted packets
                ipoe-type - IPoE session type
                rate-limit - rate limit down-stream/up-stream (Kbit)
pppoe mac-filter reload - reload mac-filter file
pppoe mac-filter add <address> - add address to mac-filter list
pppoe mac-filter del <address> - delete address from mac-filter list
pppoe mac-filter show - show current mac-filter list
pppoe interface add <name> - start pppoe server on specified interface
pppoe interface del <name> - stop pppoe server on specified interface and drop his connections
pppoe interface show - show interfaces on which pppoe server started
pppoe set verbose <n> - set verbosity of pppoe logging
pppoe set PADO-delay <delay[,delay1:count1[,delay2:count2[,...]]]> - set PADO delays (ms)
pppoe set Service-Name <name> - set Service-Name to respond
pppoe set Service-Name * - respond with client's Service-Name
pppoe set AC-Name <name> - set AC-Name tag value
pppoe show verbose - show current verbose value
pppoe show PADO-delay - show current PADO delay value
pppoe show Service-Name - show current Service-Name value
pppoe show AC-Name - show current AC-Name tag value
shaper change <interface> <value> [temp] - change shaper on specified interface, if temp is set then previous settings may be restored later by 'shaper restore'
shaper change all <value> [temp] - change shaper on all interfaces, if temp is set also new interfaces will have specified shaper value
shaper restore <interface> - restores shaper settings on specified interface made by 'shaper change' command with 'temp' flag
shaper restore all - restores shaper settings on all interfaces made by 'shaper change' command with 'temp' flag


This application is very powerful and often used if you have cli connection. Be default accel-ppp listen TCP port 2000 for input/output with accel-cmd. However telnet has same functions, but accel-cmd is more comfortable, allow send command without enter in to another environment. Detail about cli you may read at [cli] .Let’s revise accel-cmd possible commands.

  • accel-cmd show stat - one of more important command, allow display accel-ppp daemon statistics and information about connections types and something counters such as RADIUS auth, acct summary and lost queries. Detail below:


radius CoA

Example, terminate session by username: echo User-Name=username | radclient -x disconnect testing123.
