
Configuration of log and log_file modules.

Config overview


By default is not defined. Required if used [modules]log_file

Path to file to write general log.


By default is not defined. Required if used [modules]log_file

Path to file to write emergency messages.


By default is not defined.

Path to file to write authentication failed session log.


By default is not defined.

Path to file to write all debug messages, also include mikrotime and threads numbers.


By default is not defined. Required if used [modules]log_tcp

Send logs to specified host. (Need add examples)


By default is syslog=accel-pppd,daemon

Send logs to system logger. Facility may be: daemon, local0-local7 or numeric value.


By default is not defined.

If this options is given, logging engine will duplicate session log in general log. (Useful when per-session/per-user logs are not used).


By default is not defined.

Directory for session logs. If specified each session will be logged separately to file which name is unique session identifier.


By default is not defined.

Directory for user logs. If specified all sessions of same user will be logged to file which name is user name.


By default is not defined.

If specified then each session of same user will be logger separately to directory specified by “per-user-dir” and subdirectory which name is user name and to file which name os unique session identifier.


By default is level=0

Specifies log level which values are:

0 turn off all logging

1 log only error messages

2 log error and warning messages

3 log error, warning and minimum information messages (use this level in conjuction with verbose option of other modules if you need verbose logging)

4 log error, warning and full information messages (use this level in conjuction with verbose option of other modules if you need verbose logging)

5 log all messages including debug messages

logs rotation

For rotation logs can be used system logrotate utility. Needs create file /etc/logrotate.d/accel-ppp and put next:

/var/log/accel-ppp/*.log {
    test -r /var/run/accel-pppd.pid && kill -HUP `cat /var/run/accel-pppd.pid`


For correct work logrotate utility need run accel-pppd daemon with -p /var/run/accel-pppd.pid argument.


If accel-ppp run with gdb (GNU debugger) for find bugs, you need disable logs rotation, because it will makes to daemon crash.